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Phobia treatment online

You can learn how to face your fears with the help of an online therapist who can teach you how to address phobias and better control them.
Phobia treatment online

Below are some symptoms you may experience if you have a phobia:

  • Crying, stiffening, clinging to another person, or trying to escape the situation
  • Experiencing immediate fear or anxiety when confronted by the phobia
  • Actively avoiding situations that could lead to feelings of fear
  • Feeling threatened when there are no signs of danger
  • Disruption to your daily life

Help for Facing your Phobias

We all have a fear of something. You or someone you know may have a fear of dental visits, heights, flying, elevators, or of course… spiders. Knowing about your fear — or phobia — is a good first step for addressing it.

Common phobias involve a fear of 

  • Animals or insects 
  • Natural events such as thunderstorms
  • Medical procedures, blood, injuries, and injections with needles (Trypanophobia)
  • Holes (Trypophobia)
  • Clowns (coulrophobia)

How to Get Care

If you’ve been experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to seek support. One way to get care for a phobia is through telehealth. Amwell’s behavioral health specialists are available through an online video visit.

During a video visit on Amwell, your therapist or psychiatrist will ask you a series of questions to diagnose and treat your phobia. This is based on duration, severity of symptoms and your medical history. Questions about your work, home environment, and habits may also be discussed.

Once a diagnosis has been made, your therapist will go over the risks and benefits of the various treatment plans. Your treatment plan may include:

  • A recommendation for more consistent therapy
  • A safe home remedy, such as:
    • Tea (chamomile, green tea)
    • Meditation
    • Breathing techniques
    • Exercise
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Online Therapy

Amwell's licensed online therapists are on call to provide treatment whenever you need help.