Confusion treatment online

Confusion symptoms can vary, but patients typically experience:
- Disorganized thoughts
- Unusual behavior
- Difficulty problem solving
- Delusion
- Hallucinations
- Paranoia
- And more.
Diagnosing and Treating Confusion Online
Confusion is when someone feels like they cannot think clearly or are disoriented. There are a number of causes for confusion, which can range in severity. These causes include:
- A seizure
- Decreased blood flow to the brain
- Head injury
- Lack of oxygen to the brain
- Low blood sugar levels
- Dehydration
Confusion may develop quickly or over a longer period of time. If it’s associated with an underlying condition, for example delirium or dementia, it may be permanent. But often times confusion is temporary.
Some signs of confusion include abnormal speech, lack of awareness, forgetting what task is being performed, and abnormal changes in emotion.
During a video consult on Amwell your doctor will ask you a series of targeted questions to determine if your symptoms point to confusion. Your provider will recommend in-person examination by a specialist if needed. Your treatment plan is based on the duration and severity of your symptoms and your medical history.
Once a diagnosis has been made, your doctor will refer you to your primary care physician where you can have an in-person visit. Treatment for confusion is different depending on the severity.
Options for treatment of confusion differ by cause, but may include:
- Correcting nutritional imbalances
- Drinking water
- Reducing stress
- Resting
- Reviewing medications to check for drug interactions